Empowering teaching and learning with education AI

The KIBi suite of intelligent systems are a set of intelligent tools designed for school education. We use the latest AI technologies to support teachers and enhance student learning. All systems are designed based on solid education research.

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Smart solutions with the KIBi Suite of Education Tools


Spoken English training with intelligent conversation agents in real-life scenarios


Developing reading skills with detailed on-demand grammar explanations


Easy online language assessment powered by natural language processing


Collaborative science and engineering learning supported by intelligent agents


Automatic language knowledge extraction for teaching and research

Aisla: Learn English the spoken way

Have English conversations with Aisla, our intelligent tutor and conversation partner to help students practice English speaking in real-life scenarios.

Try Aisla

ARES: Reading comprehension made easy

The Annotated Reading Enhancement System (Ares) is an intelligent system designed to support EFL (English as a Foreign Language) reading comprehension with automatically generated explanations of grammatical structures.

Learn more about Ares

Ilap: Create, administer, and score language tests automatically

The Intelligent Language Assessment Platform (Ilap) is a convenient tool to create and deploy online tests, results of which can be reported after automatic scoring of student responses.

Try Ilap

MINTly: Organize STEM classes effectively

The MINTly system is design for easy integration into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathmatics classes by offering an environment that supports interactive, construction, active and passive learning opportunities for students.

Learn more about MINTly

Polke: Understand what language knowledge is included in learning materials and student texts

The Pedagogically Oriented Language Knowledge Extraction Tool (Polke Tool) is an NLP-powered system that is capable of extracting the grammatical structures a text uses and identifying the proficiency levels in which these structures emerge among EFL learners.

Read the Documentation

Coming Soon

Writing System

We are working on a system that support English writing by helping to identify potential comprehension bottlenecks by the targeted reader so that the writer can improve the clarify and comprehensibility of their writings.

For teachers

Manage your teaching effectively and efficiently

Save time and efforts by bringing your teaching online supported by our AI systems.


Create classes to manage students


Create assignment and automatically collect submissions.


Automatic scoring and feedback with teacher in the loop.

I feel much relieved after using the KIBi Tools because they offer smart solutions that not only help my students learn, but also relieve me from the repetitive work.

For students

Individualized support and collaborative learning

Received individualized feedback on your performance and learn together with peers.

Learning together

Learn in groups with classmates online, in or out of class.


Get assignment notifications and submit results online. Get instant feedback.

On-deman Support

Individualized learning support from AI agents.